With all that said, I wanted to share some old and new ideas for Place Value. (Please forgive me if I don't remember the exact source of where I got the ideas.)
Place Value Mats
When we introduced Place Value in the third quarter of the school year, it was during the Winter season and we made these super cute Penguin mats....
I believe this idea came from The Mailbox. My penguin was larger so that I could use it easily during a whole group lesson. Aren't they cute?! |
An owl! Isn't he handsome?! |
Same concept, but an animal that they might see/hear this time of the year!! I was inspired by a craft I saw on Pinterest and I simply free-handed the wings, feet, eyes, head, and mouth and made masters of them to run on construction paper. I'm no artist, but I thought the owls turned out so cute (and no two turned out the same, they have such personality)!
Count Your Beans
This activity can be found on my Math Pinterest board, but actually came from the Kindergarten Crayons blog. It was soooo helpful! I do believe that we played this game for two days instead of just one as originally scheduled in my lesson plans. (Exactly why I use pencil in my plan book!!) Like I said earlier, this was an EYE OPENING experience! Day one, the students were still a little lost. However, by the end of Day 2 most of their little light bulbs were glowing with understanding! I then made this activity one of my Math Stations this week and the students are absolutely flying through it with no problems and need no help with it at all!! Yay!! I'm so proud of my Buckaroos!
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Thank you for this wonderful resource! I totally recommend using it in your classroom! |
Other Place Value Activities
On my Math Pinterest board you can find even more Place Value activities. There are just too many great ones to list them all! I hope you enjoy the ideas above and check out the others on my Math board.